
Tricolored Heron

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Happy Monday everyone!

My prayers go out to all those in Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey.

My wild bird this week is the Tricolored Heron. Also known as the Louisiana Heron. They nest in colonies often with other heron species. The Tricolored heron has a blue-grey head, neck and back and a white line down it's chest and a white belly.  It can be seen stalking and running in the shallow water while searching for it's prey.

Adult herons have the long plume on it's head.

The photo below shows off some of the pretty colors on the Tricolored Heron.

The breeding colors on the Tricolored Heron,  shows the pretty blue and black tip bill.

I hope you enjoyed my Tricolored Heron  photos and post.
As always I thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes

Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday