
Northern Flicker

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Happy Monday, enjoy your day!  Happy November, wishing everyone a great new month.

The USA has two species of the Northern Flicker, the Eastern version is the Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker. The Western US has the Red-shafted Northern Flicker. I have seen both species,  the Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker can be found in the woods around our house and all around the eastern US. These are photos I took of the Northern Flicker in Pennsylvania, near the Cook Forest State Park and a couple together in Erie PA. The yellow and the red colors on the Northern Flicker show up on the birds underwings.

The Northern Flicker is in the Woodpecker family. You can just barely make out the yellow color under it's tail feathers.

Male Northern Flickers have the black moustache and they red at the nape of the neck. They feed on the ground looking for insects.

Below is the female, you can see it is missing the black moustache. They do have the black under the neck and the black spots like the males.

As always I thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes

Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday